A New Way to Teach.

golf month“National Golf Month” is at its close and two of our pros are ready for a new approach for the upcoming season. Boca Grove’s First Assistant Golf Pro Duke Trombetti went to a certification class that has him excited and ready to try a new approach to golf lessons. He and Assistant Pro Phillip Gabes can’t wait for the improvement in our members’ game to come from “Coaching” the game of golf versus “Teaching” it.


1. “Teaching” versus “Coaching”?
Golf is one of the only sports where you are “taught” how to play the game. In every other sport you are “coached” on how to play, given proper training, supervised at practice and helped to set goals.  Golf should be no different than any other sport. Professionals have coaches, why shouldn’t you?
2. What is involved in “Coaching”?
Golf is a complicated game that is not easily mastered and it takes more than reading magazine tips, watching videos or taking a few lessons here or there to fully learn the game. This is where coaching comes in. The concept of coaching will help you develop your skills across all of “The Four Steps to Mastery”: Understanding Cause and Effect, Supervised Practice, Transfer Training and Play.

3. Step 1: Understanding Cause and Effect.
This is the assessment stage where the Golf Coach will go through drills to understand the current performance level and to set realistic goals to achieve what can be accomplished. This stage is the key factor in determining a player’s motivation for improving, assessing their level of availability and commitment, determining which skills will provide the greatest improvement, establishing the hierarchy of skills to be developed and providing a clear concept of what will be learned and how. This is the foundation of the coaching experience.

4. golf coachStep 2: Supervised Practice.
Many times a golfer does not play to their full potential because they never fully learn what they are taught in a lesson. It may have been tried a few times, but it did not get stored in their brain. This step focuses on deliberate practice, guidance and effective feedback. A Golf Coach will not leave practice up to chance; they will instead design, encourage, facilitate and supervise practice. Golf Coaches will create a learning environment where their players can participate in regular practice activities, making it deliberate practice.

5. Step 3: Transfer Training.
In this step the Golf Coach creates conditions that facilitate the progression of a player’s skill from one that is a conscious effort to one that is automatic, therefore transfer training. When a skill becomes automatic, or transfer trained, then the player can focus on external targets, general swing triggers and course strategy, and let go of specific technical swing positions. How often are we in a competitive environment on the course and we “choke”? This step works on making this not happen. When “choking” on the course happens it helps to reveal to a Golf Coach what is weak in a player’s game and that it is something that needs to be focused on and learned to make sure we don’t revert back to old habits. This also brings on practice sessions that focus on pressure and course conditions by taking the player on the course and doing “transfer training”.

6. Step 4: Play
This step focuses on coaches taking their players on the course to observe and coach them while they are actually playing. The Golf Coach will spend this step helping players manage on-course interference with intensity management, attention control, thought control and focus of energy.

7. Change in Lessons.
With Golf Coaching changing the way of teaching, so will the change come to lessons. Instead of a lesson here or there it becomes a commitment between the coach and the player(s). There is a set monthly fee that devotes specific time to develop “The Four Steps of Mastery” on a weekly basis either individually or as a team of 4. This will save money by not paying lesson to lesson but by one set cost (like when you get a series of lessons – but better).


Duke and Phillip cannot wait to delve into this new thought of teaching and coaching a great team of players.


(For more information and pricing call the Boca Grove Pro Shop at 561-488-2582.)

Golf Technology at Boca Grove.

IMG_4613August is coming to an end, as is “National Golf Month”. As we start to move into fall and hopefully cooler weather, golf games start to pick up. If you play golf competitively, or even socially, you want to have your game at the best it can be. Boca Grove First Assistant Pro Duke Trombetti is here to help make your game the best it can be with a little help from the technology with the FlightScope.


  1. What is FlightScope?
    1. FlightScope is a 3-D Doppler Tracking Golf Radar.
    2. Ball measurement and swing analysis.
  2. What does FlightScope measure?
    1. FlightScope measures 27 variables that are related to the ball, club or swing.
    2. The machine follows the ball trajectory immediately after it is hit giving you instant comprehensive ball measurement.
  3. FlightScope Variables.
    1. Ball Data:IMG_4634
      1. Ball Speed
      2. Vertical Launch Angle
      3. Horizontal Launch Angle
      4. Vertical Descent Angle
      5. Smash Factor
      6. Spin Rate
      7. Carry DistanceIMG_4633
      8. Roll
      9. Total Distance
      10. Lateral Landing
      11. Apex Height
      12. Flight Time
      13. Shot Dispersion
      14. Distance to Pin
      15. Skills Score
    2. Club Data:
      1. Club Speed
      2. Club Speed Profile
      3. Club Acceleration Profile
      4. Face Angle
      5. Face to PathIMG_4636
      6. Dynamic Loft
      7. Angle of Attack
      8. Club Path
      9. Vertical Swing Plane
      10. Horizontal Swing Plane
      11. Spin Loft
  4. How do you read all of this? 
    1. FlightScope tracks each shot and immediately provides the data on the iPad screen.
    2. Graphs and charts are available for viewing as well.
    3. Golf Professional can explain what it all means.
  5. What does this do for you?
    1. FlightScope can help you see how you hit the ball and why it goes in the direction it goes.
    2. It will help you improve your golf swing.
    3. It will allow the professional working with you to re-work your swing to get the results you want from the game.
  6. What’s next?
    1. Take a lesson using the FlightScope (http://bocagrove.org/Golf/Instruction_Clinics.aspx).
    2. Call the Boca Grove Golf Shop to make an appointment (561-488-2582).
    3. Hit some shots on the range and let the FlightScope do the rest.

Duke looks forward to seeing you on the range with his FlightScope in hand. You will never look at a golf swing or your ball flight the same again after this.

Golfing for Juniors.

Event-JR-GolfGolf month is at the halfway point and what better way to celebrate than with tips on getting the youngest players excited about the game. Boca Grove Assistant Golf Professional Phillip Gabes has some tips on how to get juniors on the course and wanting to play!

  1. FUN. The primary focus is to have fun.
  2. Juniors must learn the game first, as just that, a GAME.
  3. It is okay for them to make mistakes, as mistakes help them learn. Parents: Remember that they don’t need to have a perfect swing right from the start.
  4. When they enjoy the game, they want to get better at it.072208 033
  5. Too much focus on the technical side of the game early on tends to make learning golf for young players more of a chore than a game.  Save that for when they are comfortable with the basics.
  6. Make games out of practice. For example, put a hula hoop on the putting green for them to putt to instead of the regular holes. This gives them an easier task and a sense of accomplishment when they succeed.
  7. For junior golfers it is best to focus on the fundamentals when they are learning the game. Focus on grip, alignment and posture first and then work through the rest. Teaching them the entire swing at too young of an age can make them frustrated quickly and not wanting to learn.
  8. ALWAYS focus on the positive of a shot. Kids like to impress, so always try and find something positive about each shot. Extra tip: Even if they miss, you can let them know how great their swing was and that it was the ball that snuck out of the way.
  9. Junior lessons as a group or individual are great opportunities for kids to learn from peers, as well as professionals. Boca Grove has junior clinics every Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. (http://bocagrove.org/Golf/Junior_Golf.aspx), as well as private lessons available for one-on-one help. Call the shop to sign up or get more information (561-488-2582).


Phillip can’t wait to see the juniors out practicing on the range, joining the clinics or honing in on their skills in a lesson.

Ways to Relax for Relaxation Day.

relaxAugust 15 is “National Relaxation Day” and what better way to celebrate than with ways to relax. With a little help from http://www.psychcnetral.com here are 20 ways to relax and unwind.

1.     Breathing.

The simplest and often most forgot thing to do. Breathe. When life gets hectic or stressful take a few seconds to take 5 to 10 deep breathes to help you relax.breathe

2.     Release Jaw Tension.
You may not even realize it is happening, but some people carry their tension in their jaw. Here is an easy way to release it – for about a half a minute or so open your mouth wide and breath naturally through your nose. When you feel like you have stretched your jaw long enough, let your mouth close gently.

3.     Care for Yourself.
This is caring for yourself with intention like taking a relaxing bath, going for leisurely walk or reading a book. When you take time to take care of yourself you are bringing calm and order to your life and lessening stress and tension. It is important to care for yourself to keep balance.

4.       Write.
Remember when you were young and you kept a diary or a journal, a place to write down your thoughts and feelings. If you do than this may be something for you to start again. Take time for yourself to write down a little or a lot, whatever will help relax from the day, just don’t make it a to-do list item.

5.       List the Days Triumphs.
When we get stressed we can tend to dwell on the bad things versus the good things. Another way to help relax from the daily stress is to write down the positives of the day. Aim for the three top positives. This will help you pause and think about the good and not stress about the rest.

6.       Clear Plans.
Everyone has a lot to do every day, and if this makes your mind race and no chance for calm than take the time to make a to-do list. Here is the deal though, write down a realistic list of what can be done in the day and in the order to complete them and let the other things go for another day. If you end up still thinking of all the “other” things, write them down too but on the “get to” list.

7.       Control.
There are many things we can control, and there are many things we can’t. When you are focused on something that is causing you stress you need to take the time to decide if it is something you can or can’t control. If you can control it than do what you need to so you can move on. If you can’t, then forget about it and release it to the powers that be, I know easier said than done sometimes. Gaining insight to what you can and can’t control will help you relax in the long run.

8.       Bedtime Ritual.relax (1)
A ritual can bring renewed balance, energy, empowerment and comfort. As adults we get caught up in the digital world that is around us which can keep us from turning off and relaxing. As it goes with children and bedtime routines, it is something we should remember as adults. Get in a habit of turning off the television and mobile devices before bed and unwinding with a book, a bath or deep breathing and stretching exercises. It will allow you to release the tension of the day and get in a relaxing state allowing you to sleep peacefully.

9.       Play.
This sounds easy enough, but how many of us do this? The idea behind this is to do anything that is pleasurable and has no concrete purpose. Like what you ask? Take the time to swing on a swing, dig in the dirt, finger-paint, pretty much act like the kid you used to be.

10.   Visualization.
What many of us probably don’t realize is that the brain cannot distinguish between reality and imagination, so visualization can be a powerful tool to help you relax. Take the time to visualize your favorite place and then take it a step further. Visualize every detail from the exact location, to the sounds, smells and people around you.

11.   Gentle Movement.
When it comes to relaxing many people think that being sedentary will help you unwind and destress, when in reality doing something active will release any tension and stress. For instance, going for a leisurely walk will do more for you than sitting on the couch, even some simple stretches will do more for you than doing nothing at all.

12.    Morning Routine.
Commonly people start their day by washing their face and brushing their teeth. Try doing the same thing when you need to relax, as it will signal your brain that you are starting fresh like you do at the beginning of every day.

13.   Give Support.
Sometimes it helps to relax by focusing on someone other than ourselves. Call or meet up with a friend and ask them how they are doing and then listen intently to what they say. It will take your thoughts to them, instead of yourself.

14.   Nature.Relaxing-Nature-Wallpaper-8
Take time to sit outside and engage in all of your senses. Smell the air, look around you, listen to the sounds of nature. Engaging your senses can be a powerful way to relax.

15.   Focus on the Present.
You can engage your senses at all of times of the day, not just in nature. Take time to focus on what is around you, such as the sounds inside your home, the inside of a building you walk by every day. Be present and you will naturally relax.

16.   Catnap.
Do you have 20 minutes to relax? If you said yes than take this time to take a small nap. Anything over 30 minutes puts you in a deep sleep, but a 20-minute catnap will revive and refresh you.

17.   Smells.
Engage your sense of smell in the everyday moments. Using scents to shower with, wash your hands with, in your lotion or burning in a candle can help you relax. Certain scents, like lavender or peppermint, can help relax just by the smell of it.

18.   Treat Yourself.
Think of something you would do for a loved one to relax and do it for yourself. It can be anything from going out to lunch to getting a massage. When you treat yourself well, you in turn will be better for everyone else.

19.   Bathroom Break.
Feeling stressed at work or out in public? Take a quick bathroom break. Step into a stall, close your eyes and breathe (breathe in for a count of 3, breathe out for a count of 3, repeat). This easy step will allow you to relax and get back to what you need to do.

20.   Works for You.
Figure out what works for you to relax and do that. This may take time and it may be more than one thing, but allow yourself to find what it is. Everyone is different, so don’t get discouraged if something that works for one person, doesn’t work for you.

Life is too short to be tense and stressed all the time. Take these tips, try them out, and enjoy the life you have and RELAX!


Putting Practice Made Fun.

Don't Miss!How many golfers out there like to practice putting? I don’t know many, but I do know when you make a game out of it (really anything) it is easier to bear. Here are two ways to spice up your putting practice from Jordan Spieth and his golf coach Cameron McCormick from Golf Digest.


Gate Crasher:
Spieth likes to start this particular game at the beginning of his putting warm up. Why? It helps him dial in his accuracy before he heads out on the course. To perfect this game, it is key to keep your body steady and make solid strokes.

Game set-up: Find a dead-straight putt that is eight to 10 feet long. Place two ball markers at almost halfway between your ball and the hole. Set the markers up just wide enough apart that a ball can roll between them.

Goal of the game: Hit putts that not only roll between the two markers but also go in the hole. Simple, right? Make is competitive by playing against someone and earn points. Give yourself a half point for getting the ball through the markers and a full point for making it in the hole. The player with the most points after a predetermined number of putts wins the game.


Leap Frog:
Trying to work on your speed? Then get ready to leap, that is what Spieth does.

Game set-up: Place a ball marker on the green five feet away from you on a mild upslope or downslope.

Goal of the game: The goal is to putt the ball to the marker while trying to stop the ball no more than six inches past the marker. That is only half of it though. To make it more challenging you have to predict right after the ball leaves your putter whether it was successful and where it will end up. No matter the outcome, putt another ball and try to get it to reach the first ball, not going more than six inches past and predict again the outcome. Continue this until you get to 10 feet out.

Make it interesting: Keep score with this game too whether playing against someone or by yourself. This time however your goal is to get the least amount of points. Points work by adding a point every time you areunsuccessful with your putt and prediction, or just the prediction. (Remember the point of the game is to work on developing your feel, so prediction is key!) You get a half a point if your putt is unsuccessful, but your prediction is correct. If your putt is good and so is your prediction than you don’t add any points. When playing against someone the person with the least amount of points by the time you get to 10 feet wins. If you are playing alone then the goal is to try and beat your lowest score.

Go the distance: This game can be tailored to go to any length. If you have struggle with speed on long putts than play the game from 20, 30 or 40 feet. However, remember that the longer the putt the longer the roll out distance should be. For example, if you are playing from a 30-foot putt, a good putt will leave you no more than 18 inches out, and don’t forget to predict!


Get on the practice putting green and give these games a try. You may find yourself practicing your putting longer and enjoying it while you are doing it. As they always say, “Drive for show, putt for dough” and after this you will be bringing home some more dough!

Get Golf Month Started Right with the Perfect Golf Stretches.

Before every game of golf, you should stretch, so with that being said our first “Tee Time Tuesday” for “National Golf Month” brings some stretches for every golfer. Boca Grove Fitness Director David Schlueter is here to make sure all limbs are stretched before you hit the tee.


  1. Golf MonthStability Ball Twists. Sit on a large stability ball with a smaller ball squeezed between your knees. Keep your bottom half quite, twist your torso with your arms extended, twisting from side to side. This is loosening the back muscles you use when you swing, plus increasing your flexibility to turn.
  2. Golf Month-001Hip Rotation. Lay your back on the ground, bend your knees and place your hips on a stability ball. Extend your arms out and keeping your shoulders on the ground twist your hips from side to side. This will loosen your hips and lower back before you play.

  3. Golf Month-002Stretching Machine.
    The Boca Grove Fitness Center has a stretching machine that lists stretches for specific needs and one of them is for golfers. Two important ones are the hamstring stretch and the lower back stretch, both vital parts of the golf swing.
  4. IMG_4694Side Stretch. Stand with your feet spread. One foot pointing forward and the other at an angle. With your arms extended out start sliding your arm down the side of the body with the toe pointed on an angle. Go as far as you can to stretch your side, switch sides and change toe directions.
  5. Golf Month-003Turn Stretch. At the pull machine set the weight to the heaviest weight. Extend as though in your back swing to reach the rope and stretch. Do the same on the opposite side.


Your back is stretched as are your hips and legs, so get out on the course so you can grip it and ripe it right down the fairway with no injuries in sight.


Family Fun Month Lasts All Year Long at Boca Grove.

Family-Fun-300x200August is “Family Fun Month” nationwide, but here at Boca Grove we consider it to be a year-long event! Boca Grove is all about our families having fun and making memories January through December!


  • January – The Splash Into the New Year Pool Party! We help our families celebrate the new year in paradise the best way we know how – at the Boca Grove Pool. A DJ, games, prizes and a jumbo inflatable pool slide to enter the pool with just the perfect speed and splash.
  • February – President’s Day Events! Every year we spend the day off of school playing tennis and getting wild with animals. Tennis hosts a junior clinic before a “Wild Animal Show” takes center court.
  • March/April – Meet the Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt! When Easter arrives kids of all ages gather on the Clubhouse lawn to meet the Easter Bunny, search for the “Golden Egg” and dash for the most eggs to fill their baskets.
  • IMG_6973.JPGMay – Memorial Day BBQ & Pool Party! There is no better way to start summer than with a BBQ, DJ, jumbo slide, games and prizes with a side of ice cream at the Boca Grove Pool.
  • June – “School’s Out for Summer” Ice Cream Social – School is out and it is time to meet your neighbors – old and new. This event allows the families of Boca Grove to meet new neighbors, while enjoying friendships from over the years with some ice cream at the pool.
  • September – Labor Day BBQ and Pool Party! The best way to end summer is the way we started it – at the pool for a BBQ and party that is sure to make a splash.
  • October – Halloween “Trick or Treat” Caravan and Pizza Party! It’s “Boo-tacular” at Boca Grove for Halloween where the families of Boca Grove jump in golf carts and drive the community to “trick-or-treat” the evening away before heading to the pool to have pizza, a costume contest and party the night away with a DJ and games.
  • DSC_4828_1December – Children’s Holiday Break! The holiday break means fun for kids of all ages at Boca Grove with multiple days of fun, especially the Boca Grove Carnival that is a day full of amusement!
  • All year round the fun doesn’t end. Golf hosts junior clinics every Saturday and junior/parent tournaments throughout the season. Tennis joins the fun with multiple clinics of varying ages every week without fail, plus junior tournaments. Food and beverage delivers family unity with their Sunday night family buffets.


Where else could you go and have this much fun in your own neighborhood? Nowhere, so why live anywhere else!


Are You Ready for a Scavenger Hunt?

scavengerhunt“Tee Time Tuesday” and “National Scavenger Hunt” day have found each other. So, in the proper fashion I have devised a Boca Grove Golf Course Scavenger Hunt! The clues are not in hole order and some are harder than others, so get your clubs and cart ready and hit the course to play along.


  1. Find the hole that has “Pressman’s Bridge”.
  2. Find the hole that if you drive too far left, over hit the corner or miss the green to the right when going for it from the tee will put you in H2O.
  3. Find the par 3 that lines Boca Grove Boulevard.
  4. Find the hole with four bunkers down the left and none on the right.
  5. Find the hole that has homes around it that are on Frontenac, Valencia, Hamlin and Oakley.
  6. Find the hole that has 2 greenside bunkers on the left.
  7. Find the hole with the “Boca Grove” bridge with water on the right of the hole and front of the green.
  8. Find the hole that has two approaches to the green that are divided by bunkers.
  9. Find the par 3 that doesn’t have any water on it.
  10. Find the hole that has water at the tee, down the left side and crossing the front left of the green.
  11. Find the hole that has 40 palm trees down the entire left side.
  12. Find the hole that has a round fairway bunker at its corner for long shots and a round bunker that protects the center of the green.
  13. Find the hole with the curvy wooden bridge and water down the entire left side.
  14. Find the hole whose curve is protected by a waste bunker and palm trees making a cut shot a little harder.
  15. Find the par 4 that has a narrow fairway before the green with water on its left and right.
  16. Find the hole with plants that you must cross from the tee and water you must cross at the green.
  17. Find the hole that is a dog-leg right and runs the side of the driving range.
  18. Find the hole with two fairway bunkers on the right side, and water and a bunker on the front-left side of the green.


Hole 1_10Your round is down and I hope you had fun. Did you find all the holes? Do you know the Boca Grove course better than anyone? Send your answers to hdupree@bocagrove.org and check to see if you aced the test!


*Looking for clues…maybe the online course tour can help…http://bocagrove.org/Golf/Course-Tour.aspx.

Be A Tree Hugger.

We here at Boca Grove love our trees and today is a great day to be a tree lover in that it is “National Love a Tree Day”. Do you get it? We love trees! Just drive down our tree-lined streets (http://bocagrove.org/Real_Estate/Subdivisions.aspx) and you will totally understand our admiration. IMG_7395Trees are very independent beings, they don’t need a lot of tender loving care like their friends the flowers, but they still need regular maintenance and pruning. So here is how to keep your tree healthy and ready for any weather that may come at it, a list of why it is important to protect our trees, as well as a list of ways to celebrate your favorite tree(s).


Tree Health is a Must!

Boca Grove is no stranger to heat, drought and hurricanes from which trees can suffer. Here is how you can help!

  • Fertilize and Water! Keep your trees healthy and growing strong with fertilizers and a good watering from time to time. Also have a regular health regimen to keep away white fly and any other disease that may come along to threaten its life.
  • hatrack treePrune to keep it and you safe in storms! During hurricanes trees can cause damage, but a well pruned tree will stand the test of time and be strong against the raging winds. Make sure when you prune you hire the right company to do so because you do not want them to “top” or “hatrack” your tree. “Hatracking” is when a tree is cut or chopped so badly that the only thing left is branches, no leaves. This causes your tree to grow back incorrectly making your tree weak to the heavy winds. When your tree is pruned correctly, preferably by an arborist, it will have a well-spaced framework of healthy branches that will create an open canopy allowing winds to flow freely through the tree. This will keep your tree upright and branches from flying.


Why We Should Protect Our Trees!

Trees do a lot for us. Here are 10 reasons why tree protection should be a top priority:

  • Trees Produce oxygen.
  • They control noise pollution.
  • They slow storm water runoff.
  • Trees are carbon sinks.
  • Trees clean the air we breathe.
  • They add shade and keep us cool.
  • They act as windbreaks.
  • Trees fight soil erosion.
  • They help increase property values.


Celebrate Your Tree!

Here are the five best ways to celebrate trees today, May 16th, and every day.

  • Love-a-Tree-DayShow your inner “tree hugger”. This one is easy – just get out there and hug your tree. Wrap your arms around it and show it some love. If a neighbor looks at you funny, take the time to tell them why you are hugging your tree and maybe they will join in on the love fest!
  • Give your tree a drink! A long, cold one and we don’t mean beer, we mean good old-fashioned water from the hose. Trees, unlike flowers and shrubs, don’t always cry out for water. Today is the perfect day to give that strong, silent type a good watering. This may take some time, but a good tree watering is soaking it to the root system, and overall will make a difference to your trees long-term health.
  • Decorate your tree! Not like you do at Christmas time with lights, but with a bird feeder. Adding a bird feeder will give your tree, no matter its age, a little bling to show off to the other trees, plus it will help out it’s limb-loving, feathered friends.
  • Give your tree a friend! Everyone wants a friend. So if your tree is all alone in the yard, today could be a good day to plant another one (or two). Figure out what will work best in your yard and with your current tree and get to planting. This is also a perfect day to plant a tree if you don’t already have one.
  • Make your tree part of a wildlife sanctuary! You read me right, you can make your home garden into a Certified Wildlife Habitat with the NWF (National Wildlife Federation) and what tree wouldn’t love that? All you need to do is add a water feature (like a birdbath), a bird feeder, some flowers and shrubs and have one or more trees and you are set. Certify through the NWF and when you do they will plant a tree in your name!

You now have this day covered. Get out there and show some tree love.

The Perfect Gift for the Perfect Mother!

FORE! Head’s up! Mother’s Day is right around the corner, okay, it is 6 days away. Yes 6 days away! Don’t know what to get that mother who loves you to the moon and back? We here at Boca Grove Golf and Tennis Club are here to help you. Is your mother a golfer? Does she like to wear cute clothes while on the links or have the perfect accessories? Than we have just what you need right in the Golf Pro Shop!


For the mother who loves to dress perfectly on and off the course. We have something for every woman. Skirts, pants, and tops galore. She wants it, we have it!

Retail Clothes4

Retail Clothes3


Does she have a closet full of clothes and doesn’t need another stitch of it. We have the accessories to go with all of those clothes. Jewelry, glasses and cute bags in store!

Retail Clothes1

Retail Clothes2


She has the clothes and the accessories already? You are still stuck? Don’t fret we have something to help you through. Get her the perfect addition to her game…a pretty ballmarker, a cute headcover, a pair of shoes, a new hat, a golf bag or a cute bag to hold all her golf accessories.

Retail Clothes


Wrap them up tight, tie them with a pretty bow and give it to her with all your love. We love our MOMS just as much as they love us!